Friday, February 6, 2015

Discover with Dr. Cool Insect Excavation Kit Review

When You let your kids do this amazing real bug dig kit make sure you put something down like newspaper or a table cloth bc it will get messy bc The big beautiful green beetle is made out of something like plaster and as you chip away at it it will get every where.

The kids loved this bc its bugs and digging and just exploring what surprises are inside. It was very easy to do they included the digging tool that is not sharp, a small brush to clean out the dust and a small plastic kid friendly magnify glass. This is really safe and fun to do if you are home with them and have nothing planned or even if your home school this would be a great learning project. It comes with a activity guide filled with fun things and a adventure guide to teach them about specimens.

I was a little bit worried that while the kids were excavating that The insects would get messed up by a leg getting cut off or something along that line but that isnt possible because the bugs are encased in a substance to keep them safe the worse that could happen to them is they would get scratched. The bugs are small enough to put in your mouth so if you have a small child keep a close eye on them so they don't swallow it

but in all this is a awesome fun learn experience for the kids and something you can do with them to help them learn about insects in the world.

This will cost you about $12 on amazon

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