Thursday, September 17, 2015

PMS Tea - Cramp Bark Tea for Menstrual Cramps.

My period can be pretty bad at times my cramps brings tears to my eyes and I cant move. I am on birth control now that helps some but it doesnt completely stop it and my cramps still can be very bad. I also get periods of exhaustion, and headaches and dizziness that last a good chunk of the day. This tea really helps me with all of that I drink it a couple times a day and it lessons the pain from my cramps a great deal they are so much more bearable then before I started drinking this. It also helps me with my dizzy spells. This tea helps regulate my hormones and thats a wonderful thing when you have periods like mine. The tea isnt horrible tasting either it taste herbal and I enjoy it but honestly even if I didnt like the taste I'd still drank it seeing how well this works for me. I only drink 1/4 cup every time I drank it so its not bad at all and i can quickly get it down if i need to.

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