Thursday, May 14, 2015

6 Standard Grounded Outlet.

First off I love that this power strip comes in 5 different colors so if you have a house like mine everyone can say that its theirs if it is a different color. I have that problem with my dad with these things so I got the pink color and it really is a nice color pink. Now lets get down to the things about the product itself I love that it has USB slots in it so you can charge you mobile devices with out it taking up the space of one of the plug ends. I havent seen one of these have those built in before so I found that to be really nice and handy. It does also have the 6 places to plug up your electrical things into it also so plenty of space for your things. The cord on the power strip is nice and strong and shouldnt snap on you easy. This does have surge protection to ti so you should be fine if your power goes out that your electronics will not be messed up.over all I say this is a great power strip and I do recommend it.

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